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The Diary
We left some help in...


Marathone d'Afrique - MEDICINES (Senegal)
We have collected pharmaceutical products and received cash donations from Zitoway (the organizer) and the rest of Marathon competitors. A pack of medicine has been kindly donated by the Missionary Centre for Medicines from Firenze.

In the next few days, we will deliver them to different organizations in need.
S.Blaise Mission- Father Emanuele (Senegal)
Father Emanuele has been at this mission in Savoigne for 25 years. A school-laboratory for ceramics has been opened, and the students who work here earn a small wage based on goods sold. The school is attended by both Christians and Muslims. In order to be accepted you need to:
1.be able to read and write in French
2.to respect other religions
3.help out your own family with your earnings
4.start to save money by setting up a small savings account
First ELFO Token (Senegal)
We have made a contribution to the ongoing building project for a girls’ school for sewing.

Here are some pictures.
Distance adoption and support - 25 Dec 2007 (Senegal)
Father Joseph’s small mission accommodates students who travel from the surrounding villages. Most of the students here attend the missionary school which is run by nuns, whilst some others go to state schools. Last years there were 30 children; this year there are 45. Their families are poor and it is only through distance financial support that they can carry on studying. 250 euro a year includes the enrolment fee, books, accommodation and meals. Their families help them by providing the canteen with rice, peanuts and millet.
The academic year starts in September. We leave a 250 euro donation towards a future adoption. In the meantime, Father Joseph will look for a new resident and he will send us pictures and details via mail.
At the moment, the mission is collecting funds to improve the building. We decide to contribute and we also pay for the musician who performs that evening (50 euro)

Total token: 300 euro.
St. Anthony’s Primary School from Padova– 25 Dec 2007 (Senegal)
The school is attended by children from Christian and Muslim families, and is run by S. Francesca. There are 225 children. A nursery with 75 children is included. A girls’ boarding school has also been built; at the moment there are 60 girls. For some, when they leave this school, they will move on to other ones.

During the rainy season, the roof leaks: we decide to leave 150 euro towards the repair costs.
Delivery of medicine - 25 Dec 2007 (Senegal)
We give Sister Laura (a doctor) the medicine donated by the runners during the Marathone d’Afrique competition organized by Zitoway.
Sister Laura is in charge of two dispensiaries strategically located in the villages of Missira and Koumbidia. Missira houses a large market which is attended by numerous people, while Koumbidia is located two hours inland of the “brousse” .
We hope to be able to collect and provide more supplies in future race editions.